

F6, F62SQLite


F6, F62SQLite

Send Foundation 6 form data to SQLite Database.
Support for file attachments.
Includes a stack to update record

Brand: StacksAppStacks

SKU: 00123

This is NOT a CRUD system.
F62SLite allows you to send Foundation 6 form data to a SQLite Database.

It includes a second stack that will let you update/delete data by passing the record id. Note: Update does not support BLOB data type.

62SQLite ver.1.0.9 Features:

Uses F6 Ajax Post 

Configurable Data Path: Set the data path for the stack  from the website root.

Database Name Settings: Allows the user to set the database name.

Table Name Settings: Allows setting up the table name for form data.

Attached File Destination Options: Allows the user to set file destination, whether a table name or a folder path from Document_Root.

File Upload Management: Handles settings for file uploads with the form data.

File Operations: Provides options to store files directly in a table or in a folder, and options for handling multiple files.

Single and Multi-File Options: Different configurations for single or multiple file operations, including URL setting, comma-separated list, form table Row id, etc.

Trailing Field Removal: Ability to set the number of fields not to pass in the data, starting at the end towards the first form field.

Detailed Logging: Offers the option to create a log file for troubleshooting issues.

Automatic Table and Database Creation: If the database or form table doesn't exist, it will be automatically created from the form structure.

Reserved Field Names: Prevents use of certain field names such as 'filename' and 'file' for form fields.

F62SQLiteUpdate Features:

Update Existing Records: Allows updating existing records by passing the row id as a URL parameter.

Configurable Data Path: Set the data path for the stack from the website root.

Database Name Settings: Allows the user to set the database name.

Table Name Settings: Allows setting up the table name for form data.

Column Removal Option: Lets users specify a list of columns they do not want to create a form field for.

Detailed Logging: Offers the option to create a log file for troubleshooting issues.

Intended For Non-Binary Data: Not designed to update any columns that hold binary data (BLOB). BLOB columns should be removed.

How-To Doc   Video

STACKS 5.x or StacksPro
Foundation 6 Framework

Easy to set up, works with Feeds perfectly, brilliant product. If you are creating a database from Foundation 6, this is a must.

You can build a Form, send it to your site, and presto, your data is stored in an Sqlite table. Even if the table did not exist, it is created for you. Really does not get any easier than this.

Looking to use SQLite? This is the stack to use! I have been using this on 2 on my sites for months and it just makes like easier! Hands down the best SQLite stack!

$ 29.95

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